Authorised UiPath Partner
The Leader in RPA and Uipath Implemenation
As one of the first Uipath Implementation Partners in South Africa. We have consulted, developed and implemented and delivered thousands of UiPath solutions across Africa.
We Help Createrobots so people don’t have to be

Meet Our Partners

Welcome To South Africa's Leading UiPath Gold Partner
Powering Digital Transformation through UiPath Intelligent Robotic Process Automation
Who we are
We live Intelligent Hyper-Automation. Founded in 2011, Datroa focuses exclusively in UiPath RPA Intelligent Automation solutions. Not being RPA agnostic , means we provide highest level of experience, focus, knowledge and workforce in Africa, using the worlds leading RPA Platform..
Not only are we a Gold Certified Partner of UiPath, but our global presence also enables us to react faster and have everyday interactions with our customers, providing solutions that are based on proven best-practices and in-line with their spesific needs and market requirements.
At Datora, we focus mainly on taking your business to the next level in order to add maximum value to your business.
Case Studies of our clients
Automation to get work done
The speed of digital robotics. With the power to transform.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Automation (IA) is not going to transform your business by itself. Combine robotics with powerful end-to-end automation, supported by our industry experts, and you can accelerate, grow and maintain your Digital Automation Transformation

Automobile Association
J. van der Merwe
General Manager IT
Meet Our Clients
They Believe In Us
Intelligent Automation across industries and countries

Automation is a journey.
To stay in the race and stay ahead, you have to start fast. Robotic process automation (RPA) is non-invasive and lightning-fast. You see the value, and it will make an immediate impact. Want to Hyper-leap ahead of your competition?
Hyper-automation brings together several components of process automation, integrating tools and technologies that maximise the ability to automate work.
It starts with robotic process automation (RPA) at its core, expanding into automation capability with artificial intelligence (AI), analytics,process mining and other advanced tools. The focus is to automate more and more knowledge work and engage everyone in an organisation to be part of the transformation process.
How is hyper-automation important for enterprises looking to scale automation much more effectively?